Well, it's been a couple of crazy days! I took the day off work yesterday so that I could attend Fr. Ron's funeral and we ended up with one heck of a snow storm. We got approximately a foot of snow in just a couple of hours. Growing up in the north east part of the country we got snow like that every year but here in the mid-west, where we haven't really gotten much snow for a couple years, that was crazy.
Inevitably, the funeral was postponed and I was moved to take a second day off work. When I arrived at the church for the funeral, I was elated to find that the pastor there had no objection to my serving as long as the MC was okay with it. He happened to be another priest that I am coming to know and so I was able to say farewell to Fr. Ron in the only way that I see as fitting.
Our God is an Awesome God who never ceases to amaze me. I should not doubt that God wants us to be happy, but I always manage to be surprised when my desire lines up with His plans. Thank you for a fitting way to say good-bye to my friend.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Fr Ron
Well, it's been an interesting week! Starting with assisting with a confirmation retreat for the eighth graders at our parish, followed by the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, and then Friday I received word in the morning that one of the priests that I had just served with on Sunday, passed away. I will be taking a vacation day from work later this week to attend the funeral of Fr. Ron Cornish.
I have never been to a funeral for a priest. I guess that is probably a result of a great deal of moving around and straying from my faith. Now that I have found such a firm foundation in the Catholic Church, I have been not only meeting new priests, but getting to know them and serving with them. I knew it was a long shot, but I was still a bit disappointed to be told that I wouldn't be able to serve at the funeral.
I know that God brought me here to Kansas City for a reason, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to serve with this wonderful and holy man. With the ages and health of so many priests lately deteriorating, it is so important that we not only support young men with vocations to the priesthood, but encourage more of them to consider a vocation to the priesthood. If serving daily in my local parish is the extent of the liturgical work that the Lord is calling me to, I will be content in knowing that my life was a success if just one young man is encouraged by my being there.
Fair Well Fr. Ron! I hope, as your last words to me said, I will "See Ya" in Heaven someday.
Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Finding the way!
It interesting the way the Lord chooses to speak to each of us in different ways! I have spent many hours in Adoration, but have struggled with finding the right way to "listen." I have tried kneeling in silence, but was constantly distracted by my own thoughts. I have tried just talking with God, but as much as I run my mouth, how do I expect Him to get a word in. I've tried reading, but really how can you concentrate on reading and hears what He has to say at the same time.
Last night I sat down with Jesus, and started to write a letter to God. By the time I finished writing, I could feel a response in my head. I think I just needed to find a way to get my thoughts out and allow me to really LISTEN.
Lord let me continue to seek and to follow you in everything I say and do!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Fighting Despair
Learning lessons can be difficult for us sometimes. We can get so caught up in the routine of life, that even the occasional stuff has its patterns. I didn't really realize how much it affects me when I have my children for a short time and take them back to their mother, until it was recently pointed out that every time I take them back I go back into a state of despair.
The reality is that I get so physically drained and bummed that the devil reaches up and tries to pull me down and keep me there. Maintaining an awareness of the devil's dirty tricks is a big help in fighting them, but we can't fight him on our own. He attacks when we are at our weakest, and that is why it is so important to persevere in our prayer life. Stick to the habits that we develop when we are closer to God, even when we are having times that we just "don't feel it," so that God can shield us from the devil.
Lord lift up all those who are struggling with difficult circumstances. Those who are following your path and those who have fallen or never found you. Wrap them in your loving arms and help them to know that we love them, even those who have wronged us.~Amen
The reality is that I get so physically drained and bummed that the devil reaches up and tries to pull me down and keep me there. Maintaining an awareness of the devil's dirty tricks is a big help in fighting them, but we can't fight him on our own. He attacks when we are at our weakest, and that is why it is so important to persevere in our prayer life. Stick to the habits that we develop when we are closer to God, even when we are having times that we just "don't feel it," so that God can shield us from the devil.
Lord lift up all those who are struggling with difficult circumstances. Those who are following your path and those who have fallen or never found you. Wrap them in your loving arms and help them to know that we love them, even those who have wronged us.~Amen
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