It's been a crazy year! I didn't realize that I had been away for so long. I guess it's time to start fresh and get back to it. It's interesting how balance works. Everybody has to work at maintaining balance between work and personal lives. Sometimes we need little reminders to work at balancing our health as well. We need to find the right balance of Physical, Intellectual, and Spiritual health. I know I have been struggling for a while. Either I spend all my time praying, or all my time exercising, or all my time just sitting and reading. Sometimes I just spend all my time watching television and being useless. Finding the right balance is the key for us all. Just when I think I'm doing a good job, I realize I've been neglecting another area.
Right now, I feel like I've gotten my spiritual life right where it should be, but I haven't been exercising, and I am afraid that getting back on that wagon will knock me off the one I'm on. I am asking for prayers for this process as I try to lose some weight again without neglecting my prayer life.
My goal with this blog now is to get back to posting weekly. I would appreciate if anyone reading this would keep my family in your prayers as we have a major surgery coming up next month.
God Bless You All!